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How much historical data will I get from Google Analytics?

  How much historical data will I get from Google Analytics? We download 2 years of historical data per default from the day you connect your Google Analytics data source. If, however, your GA view was created after that or you have a shorter data retention that will set how far back we go. For more information, check out  web analytic  page. --- Answered by: Julie Perkins

How long is the Analytics processing latency?

  How long is the Analytics processing latency? Data processing can take up to 48 hours for non-360 customers. However, it's usually up the next day. For more information, check out  web analytic  page. --- Answered by: Julie Perkins

What Analytics Conversion Attribution models are used?

  What Analytics Conversion Attribution models are used? In the Multi-channel funnel (MCF) report their are separate metrics for attribution models First Interaction and Last Interaction, these include data for the direct channel. All other reports represent goal and transaction conversions according to the standard Last Non-Direct Click attribution model, ignoring data for the direct channel. For more information, check out  web analytic  page. --- Answered by: Paula Goodson

What is an Analytics Segment?

  What is an Analytics Segment? Segments in Google Analytics group site visitors who share common characteristics. They isolate specific types of traffic within your reporting which allows you to interpret your data in a much more efficient manner.  You can easily identify trends that will directly impact your business – for example, if users from a particular location aren’t converting as well as they used to you could try to re-engage them with targeted campaigns, special offers and discounts based on the product pages they have visited. The key benefit of segments is that they provide a temporary filter that can be added and removed and never affect the underlying data. You can add up to four segments at a time and compare the data in your reports. For more information, check out  web analytic  page. --- Answered by: Chad Jenkins

Why should I set up Analytics goals?

Why should I set up Analytics goals? Though it may be immensely rewarding to see an influx of traffic to your website, what matters most is whether or not you can convert that traffic.  For any digital marketer, improving conversion rates will be a key objective. That’s why it’s an important metric to track in Google Analytics – so you can identify the strengths and weaknesses in your strategy and optimize your approach in order to increase your overall conversion rate! In Google Analytics, conversions are known as “goals”. They are the specific, measurable actions that users take on your website. If you want to be able to leverage Google Analytics’ conversion reports,  For more information, check out  web analytic  page. --- Answered by: Bonnie D'Armond

What kind of Analytics data can I access?

What kind of Analytics data can I access? You may already know how to access data from Google Analytics and navigate its interface, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re using it to its full potential!  The true value of Google Analytics is its ability to provide you with a granular insight into every aspect of your site’s performance – if you know to leverage the information properly!  Google Analytics reports are broken down into four key categories: Audience reports The Audience section provides a series of detailed reports on your site visitors, from their interests, to where they come from and what language they speak. Acquisition reports Acquisition reports let you know how users are finding your website and give you a much more detailed understanding of your traffic. Behavior reports These reports will tell you everything you need to know about your site’s content, and what users actually do while visiting. Conversion reports This section provides you with i

Can we capture name, phone, or email somewhere in Google Analytics?

  Can we capture name, phone, or email somewhere in Google Analytics? No.  Unfortunately, name, email, phone, etc. are all considered PII – Personally Identifiable Information.  For privacy reasons, Google Analytics cannot collect them anywhere – custom dimensions/metrics, event labels, etc.  However, you can use the “User ID” dimension from GA to connect a user from Google Analytics to your internal CRM, thus effectively identifying them. For more information, check out  web analytic  page. --- Answered by: Paul Clemmer