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What are the social media platform used for SEO ?

  What are the social media platform used for SEO ? Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn are some important platform which is used for online promotion. ---  Answered by:  James Catanich
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How often should you perform a link audit?

  How often should you perform a link audit? A link audit may be a tedious and complicated process. If you have just started on building links, you can do an audit quite often. But a complete link audit should be done approximately once a year. ---  Answered by:  James Catanich

What is robots.txt file?

  What is robots.txt file? Robots.txt is a text file. It is through this file. It gives instruction to search engine crawlers about indexing and caching of a webpage, file of a website or directory, domain. ---  Answered by:  James Catanich

What is 301 redirect?

  What is 301 redirect? It is a method by which the user is redirected to new page url to old page url. It is a permanent redirect, and it is also useful in directing link juice to new url from old url. ---  Answered by:  James Catanich

How will you cross-check whether your SEO campaign is working or not?

  How will you cross-check whether your SEO campaign is working or not? In order to check whether your SEO campaign is working or not, the first approach is to check the website’s statistics, which tells you about the origin of the traffic. The other way of checking is to make a search based on the relevant keywords and key phrases and look for the search result. The number of search result will tell you whether your SEO campaign is working or not. ---  Answered by:  James Catanich

What does the term LSI means?

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What are the differences between SEO and SEM?

  What are the differences between SEO and SEM? SEM (Search Engine Marketing), it is used for the promotion of website through paid advertising by increasing their visibility in Search Engine Result Page (SERP) in the Ads section. SEO is optimizing the site to increase the organic ranking of a site. ---  Answered by:  James Catanich