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What Types of Businesses Can Content Marketing Help?

  What Types of Businesses Can Content Marketing Help? Small and large businesses in virtually every industry use content marketing to their advantage. From major consumer brands and retail stores to tech companies and service-oriented businesses, content marketing can help you reach out to your target audience. Both business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) companies have developed successful content marketing strategies. The techniques and goals vary between B2B and B2C companies, but that doesn’t make content marketing any less effective. For more information, check out our content marketing page. --- Answered by: Sharon Jenkins

Why won’t people come to our content?

Why won’t people come to our content? The short answer is that people in charge lacked a basic understanding of SEO.  A slightly longer answer is they didn’t do link building and outreach, or perhaps they didn’t produce content that was “link worthy” in the first place. Imagine a restaurant would open in the middle of the desert. Would you go? Even if you knew it existed, you would probably not go – unless that restaurant had unique food (value) to offer you.  If you want people to come to your content, you need to: Create unique content that they can’t get anywhere else. If you’re just getting started, make sure you start with a WOW factor – for example, invite an influencer to write a guest post or interview a key figure in your industry. That will help you get initial traction. Invite them to come – Make sure you target the right audience that needs/wants your content and let them know the content is there, be it through social media, newsletters, SEM, or any other relevant ch

How do we manage all the different audiences?

    How do we manage all the different audiences? For example, instead of producing three original versions of an email, include the same offers and calls to action in all, but change the openings to address each audience’s unique pain points. For more information, check out our content marketing page. --- Answered by: Paul Clemmer

What's the difference between internal and inbound links?

  What's the difference between internal and inbound links? Internal links are links on a page in your web site that link to another page in your site.  Inbound links are other websites that link to your website or content.  Both are valuable elements for SEO. For more information, check out our search optimization  page. --- Answered by: Beth Simonds

How many buyer personas do we need?

  How many buyer personas do we need? Depending on your business, you could have as few as one or two personas, or as many as 10 or 20.  But if you’re new to personas, start small! You can always develop more personas later if needed. For more information, check out our content marketing page. --- Answered by: Beth Simonds

How can we make something go viral?

    How can we make something go viral? There’s no guaranteed formula.  But no matter the industry, you can increase your chances if your content  Presents a unique story, idea, or dataset  In a way that directly addresses a pain point or creates an emotional response in your core audience and  In an engaging format.  And that’s not enough. You have to promote the heck out of it. For more information, check out our content marketing page. --- Answered by: Beth Simonds

What are we doing about voice search?

  What are we doing about voice search? Keyword research is more important now than ever. Specifically, in regard to capturing Google Home answers.  Google provides most of its voice answers from the featured snippet (i.e., answer box) at the top of search results. For more information, check out our content marketing page. --- Answered by: Paul Clemmer